Dirt Rally


Last database update:09.20.2024 12:19 (UTC)Database active since: 07.27.2018 (2247 days)

Driver Stats

no picture Pascual

Driver ID: 689860

Events Points Average Points Average Place 1st Places Top 3 Top 10 Top 100 Driving Time
Overall 94 8212 87.4 90.1 0 0 0 67 73954.314
Daily 44 1549 35.2 101.2 0 0 0 26 16527.508
Daily2 34 1305 38.4 83.5 0 0 0 26 10969.737
Weekly 7 1692 241.7 83.9 0 0 0 6 13853.699
Weekly2 7 2645 377.9 60.1 0 0 0 7 17292.872
Monthly 2 1021 510.5 83.0 0 0 0 2 15310.498

Participation Stats

Daily Events Daily2 Events Weekly Events Weekly2 Events Monthly Events
44 out of 2221 events 34 out of 2221 events 7 out of 328 events 7 out of 328 events 2 out of 82 events
(1.98%) (1.53%) (2.13%) (2.13%) (2.44%)